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Professors & Faculty

Professors and faculty are a crucial part of preventing sexual violence on campus. By sharing prevention guides, educating your colleagues, and advocating for change at your university you can help prevent sexual violence.

Professors & Faculty Guide

This guide is designed to equip college professors with practical tips to prevent and respond to sexual violence on campus. It will discuss sexual violence prevention in the classroom and the university at large through administrator advocacy. 

Campus Prevention Guide

Read and share our guide for preventing campus sexual violence.  It will teach the basics of sexual violence prevention to empower you to take action on your campus. Share it with your students and include it in your syllabus so your students are empowered to take action. 

Student Groups

Are you an advisor to a student club, greek life organization, or other campus group? Empower them to prevent sexual violence with our student group programs! These programs are tailored to fit the needs of your university.

Start an SVPA Chapter

Faculty and staff that are deeply dedicated to sexual violence prevention can start a chapter of the SVPA! SVPA Chapters prevent sexual violence on their campus through events, student organizing, administration accountability, and advocating for legislation. 

Join our Newsletter

Sign up for our newsletter to stay informed about campus sexual violence, get updates about legislation, and learn about other ways to prevent sexual violence on your campus. 

Check Out Our Impact Report!

Since our start in 2021, the Sexual Violence Prevention Association (SVPA) has been dedicated to preventing sexual violence systemically. Our advocacy, resources, and institutional actions have had broad impact across the country. Check out our impact report to learn more!