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Students can prevent sexual violence by educating themselves, holding their institution accountable, and advocating for change. They can also prevent sexual violence by starting a chapter of the SVPA on their campus or attending SVPA prevention training. 

Campus Prevention Guide

Read our Campus Prevention Guide to learn how to prevent sexual violence at your school! Our guide empowers you to take action through consent education, bystander intervention, rape culture counters, institutional accountability, and more. Read the guide and share it with your fellow students! 

How to participate?

Student Groups

Are you part of a student club, greek life, or other campus organization? You have the power to prevent sexual violence! We provide programs, trainings, and resources for student groups. Complete our interest form and we’ll schedule a meeting to discuss the options. 

Start an SVPA Chapter

Start a chapter of the SVPA on your campus! SVPA Chapters prevent sexual violence on their campus through events, student organizing, administration accountability, and advocating for legislation. We provide all of the training and resources you need to get started!


Legislation plays an important role in preventing and mitigating campus sexual violence.  The SVPA regularly advocates for policy at the local, state, and national levels. Recently we advocated for Title IX to improve prevention practices on college campuses. Sign up for our student newsletter to get updates about legislation and ways to get involved.

Join our Newsletter

Sign up for our newsletter to stay informed about campus sexual violence, get updates about legislation, and learn about other ways to prevent sexual violence on your campus. 

Check Out Our Impact Report!

Since our start in 2021, the Sexual Violence Prevention Association (SVPA) has been dedicated to preventing sexual violence systemically. Our advocacy, resources, and institutional actions have had broad impact across the country. Check out our impact report to learn more!